
Manic Monday

As you may or may not know, Netflix has been releasing several Black sitcoms during the month of September. A few weeks ago, it was The Game. Last week, it was Girlfriends, a show originally designed to be the Black version of Sex in the City, but set in Los Angeles. It was a hugely successful show, and lasted for 8 seasons. It has everything: sex, dating, relationships, careers, fashion, art, and celebrities. Just about everybody who was anybody was on this show at least once.

Well, Ive been binging it.

Music plays a large role in the series, as well. Popular R&B singer Angie Stone sang the theme song. Trip Hop pioneer Tricky is also featured in a story line in season 6. My favorite song from the show is Toni’s wedding song Soulmate. It was a demo reorded by the artist D.R.E. and was never produced for sale.

The Girlfriends soundtrack was released in 2008, and had some of the hottest artists of the day, including Erykah Badu, Corinne Bailey Rae, and Jill Scott. One of my faves was a Chaka Khan song, featuring Mary J. Blige, called Disrespectful. Definitely reminded me of a lot of the relationships an interactions these ladies had with the opposite sex.

So, please enjoy, Disrespectful!


Manic Monday

This song was put in my mind this week. I mean, its a great song from a great movie with a great vocalist, so it should be around all the time. But this week, I decided to watch the HBO show Girls. In one of their earlier seasons, one of the characters thought of doing this song during karaoke – which I think would be great.

There are so many things to love about the video for Hot Lunch, from the movie Fame: the costumes, the dancing, the dancer bodies (yum!). One of the things I find most hilarious is the comedian with the congo drums at the end, just-a banging it on the ground with no rhythm at all.


Please enjoy, Irena Cara’s Hot Lunch from Fame!



Photo by cottonbro on

Its something that is so needed in these trying times. We need to show it to others, but also, to ourselves. These are unprecedented times and despite the overwhelming desire to “get back to normal”, there is no normal anymore. So, please, be gentle with yourself. Be gracious to yourself, and others.


Manic Monday

Back in March, when I saw signs of the global pandemic taking hold in the US, I knew ish was about to pop off. I predicted that people of this country would rise up in protest, but I thought it would be against the government for the mistreatment of its citizens and the handling of the pandemic. Lack of financial assistance, medical care, safe housing, etc. would all spurn Americans to demand that our country do better – other countries were!

I did not see this coming.

I had no idea that the trigger to the current uprising would be police violence. Dont get me wrong, it makes complete and total sense, and doesnt preclude the above issues, I just didnt see it popping off like this.

But the Prodigy did. Their song, Their Law, is a protest against the Criminal Justice and Public Order Act of 1994 which banned outdoor raves. But, I think its apropros for whats going on in the world today.


The Omen

This year is a milestone birthday for me. How do I know? Because AARP sent me a membership request.

Do you know whats even funnier? Im actually considering signing up. They seem like they offer some good deals! And Ill get a FREE insulated trunk organizer for my groceries! God knows I need that in the age of corona.

Fuck my life. And buy me pretty things off my Amazon wishlist (fuck Bezos). Or CashApp me so Ill feel better. Danke.


Manic Monday

Anyone who knows me, knows that I like to jump into ish with both feet, so Im not going to bother with an intro – Ill save that for later.

Im going to kick off this Manic Monday series – and my birth month – with a song that has long held a place in my heart: Alligator Woman by Cameo. This is just one of their many songs that has meaning for me.

You can see me coming. You cant resist me. I make you shout. I ignore your desires. I tease and turn you on. You love me so. You dont want me to go.

I am all of that, and more.

While the lyrics are banging, the video…well, thats something else. Lets discuss.

Cameo never fails to deliver on style when it comes to their first few videos. Alligator Woman is no exception. I hardly know where to begin.

Hair: we’ve got everything from jheri curl mullets to close cuts to my favorite dude – octopus dreadlocked mullet-man. Clothing: satin pants in rainbow colors with rhinestone codipeces – codpieces! tank tops, some animal print, all studded in rhinestones. rhinestone skully, rhinestone kufi. and to top it all off, white…sneakers.

You can always count on Cameo to deliver a quality performance, with their 8 man funk band. Alligator Woman is performed with extremely high energy, as one would expect given the driving bassline and the iconic synthesizer. Pseudo-coordinated dance moves and energetic lip syncing make this video a sure crowd pleaser. And did I mention rhinestone codpieces??

So, please enjoy, Cameo’s Alligator Woman!


A Month of Me

June is my birthday month, and I’m reaching a landmark birthday. I am turning fifty in what might perhaps be the greatest periods of turmoil of our lifetime. With the way 2020 has been going, I certainly hope that is the case. Still, I plan on doing as much with this month as I possibly can, so stay tuned!


Who is Mzz Adventures?

fiftysomething Black woman. gorgeous. intelligent. mildy eccentric. incredibly charming. engages in escapades. grab hold and enjoy the ride.