
Manic Monday

Back in March, when I saw signs of the global pandemic taking hold in the US, I knew ish was about to pop off. I predicted that people of this country would rise up in protest, but I thought it would be against the government for the mistreatment of its citizens and the handling of the pandemic. Lack of financial assistance, medical care, safe housing, etc. would all spurn Americans to demand that our country do better – other countries were!

I did not see this coming.

I had no idea that the trigger to the current uprising would be police violence. Dont get me wrong, it makes complete and total sense, and doesnt preclude the above issues, I just didnt see it popping off like this.

But the Prodigy did. Their song, Their Law, is a protest against the Criminal Justice and Public Order Act of 1994 which banned outdoor raves. But, I think its apropros for whats going on in the world today.


A Month of Me

June is my birthday month, and I’m reaching a landmark birthday. I am turning fifty in what might perhaps be the greatest periods of turmoil of our lifetime. With the way 2020 has been going, I certainly hope that is the case. Still, I plan on doing as much with this month as I possibly can, so stay tuned!